
Ever wonder how Governor’s got its name?

Well, here’s the story!

In 1959, Leith and Donna Wadleigh opened a small ice cream stand they called Creemee’s. The ice cream was great, but even the best ice cream couldn’t bring people out during long Maine winters. So, the Wadleighs decided to open a full-service restaurant they could keep open year-round.

The new restaurant served the best burgers in town and a soon-to-be-famous strawberry pie. But it needed a new name. The Wadleighs thought and thought, but nothing seemed quite right. Then one day, Leith realized that the perfect name had been on the tip of his tongue all along.

“Hi ya, Governor” he’d say as he greeted customers every day. Why not name the restaurant in honor of everyone who came in for a bite to eat? So, they did; and eating at Governor’s Restaurant was on its way to becoming a Maine tradition.

Today, you can find a Governor’s Restaurant and Bakery in six locations throughout Maine, still serving good wholesome food and yummy desserts at prices your family can afford. Come in and try one of Gov’s favorites or our dessert of the month.