Orientation Step 1 of 3 33% Welcome!We need some information from you before we begin. Please enter your first and last name, and the store you are training at.Name* First Last Which Governor's Location are you training at?*BangorEllsworthLewistonOld TownPresque IsleWaterville New Hire Orientation Video Orientation QuizPlease answer the following questions based on the video you just watched.If you receive 4 warnings for disciplinary reasons you will be* Suspended Promoted Terminated Demoted Who is responsible for filling your shift if you can't work?* You Whoever answers the phone Your Mom The Manager on Duty How many days notice should you give if you need a scheduled shift off?* 14 7 1 21 Sexual Harassment will be tolerated when?* Weekends only Tuesday nights When it's just a joke NEVER Your Shoes MUST have:* Non Skid or Rubber Sole All of these 1" High Heels Open Toes or Heels If you are sick and can't come in to work, who must you speak with?* The corporate office Manager/Shift Leader Leave a message on our Facebook group Whoever answers the phone What color must your uniform pants and shirt be?* Red Black Blue Whatever color you feel like today How old must you be to smoke on our property?* 30 21 18 19 What day do you get paid?* Monday Sunday Thursday Friday If you are late for your shift, you will:* Receive a raise All of these Be made fun of Receive a warning If a robbery occurs you should:* Make Observations Not refuse demands All of these Not Panic If you work longer than a 6 hour shift, you are entitled to an unpaid break of how many minutes?* 30 20 5 15 How many minutes early can you punch in for your shift?* 20 10 30 7 Hair Restraint must be worn:* While preparing food In the dining room When you clock in All of the above You will be immediately terminated if you:* Steal from the restaurant or guests Come to work under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol Use or possess illegal drugs or alcohol while at work All of these Cell Phones can be used at work when:* In front of guests While on break Anytime You aren't busy During a break, where can you smoke?* The break area Designated smoking area The restroom The office Sexual Harassment is defined as:* Unwelcome hugging, touching, or kissing Slurs, jokes, or degrading comments of a sexual nature Repeated unwelcome physical contact or touching All of these After working a shift of how many hours are you entitled to a reduced price break meal?* 2 hours 8 hours 6 hours 4 hours Δ